Copyrights and Permissions

Copyright laws exist in order to protect creative people from theft and encourage them to keep creating. The creative content contained herein, including the lesson process, poems, recordings, prose mentor text, family share sheets, lesson plans, photographs, drawings, and artwork are copyrighted material(s). All rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to posting the slides, family share sheets or lesson plans on social media platforms or in any information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the copright holder (see spreadsheet below), except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in review, with the following exceptions: Family Share Sheets may be reproduced for students to take home and Lesson Process Guidelines may be reproduced for classroom use by the licensee only. If you have purchased one or more levels of Read Write Speak it!, we thank you and remind you that the license is for your use only and not to be shared among colleagues or to be uploaded onto a school, district, or other sharing platform for multiple users.
Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders and the subjects of photographs for permission to publish borrowed material or likenesses. We regret any possible oversights and promise to rectify them promptly if brought to our attention.
We make no claims about the efficacy of this resource in terms of test results or other arbitrary measures. Our intent is that you use these strategies and mentor texts, poems and prose, with joy, adapting each lesson to fit your classroom needs. Again, we are laying out the welcome mat for students who need support in acquiring fluency in English languge and literacy and we trust teachers to guide students through the doorway to greater confidence and capability.
We wish to thank our publishers for granting us rights to republish some of the poems contained in RWS. For information about permissions to reproduce selections from this resource, please contact the copyright holder listed on the spreadsheet or write to us at [email protected].